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- 7 Proven Ways To Monetize Your Personal Brand
7 Proven Ways To Monetize Your Personal Brand
Monetization Masterclass
Too many people get caught in the growth trap:
You think followers = money
And when you haven’t made money, you think it’s because you don’t have enough followers yet.
It’s just not true.
You can monetize an audience of 500 followers and make good money from it.
And it’s not confined to just a few good methods.
I’m gonna tell you about 6 proven ones so you can finally make your first $10,000 - $100,000 from social media

Doesn’t matter if it’s Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn.
I’ve made $5M collectively with every single one of these so I’m not talking out of my ass.
Later in this email I’m gonna show you the exact monetization route I’d recommend for beginners.
Low barrier of entry. Can see results quickly. And can exit for millions in the future.
I’m also still going all in on it to this day.
But first I should explain what you SHOULDN’T be doing.
That is:
- Becoming an influencoor
- Starting a meme page
- Motivational content (lol)
They’re not scalable.
They’re not sustainable.
Nor do you build a profitable audience.
I rant about this all the time but that’s pretty much what you shouldn’t be doing if it was summarized.
The best methods only work assuming that you’ve built (or are building) an audience of people who care about solving problems and being education.
NOT one that’s interested in entertainment.
Although it’s not bad if your content is entertaining, just make sure the problem solving and education is the thing that’s actually entertaining.
Not the content itself.
Anyways let’s get into the methods.
Method #1: Paid Community
This is exactly what it sounds like.
A paid community is where you can offer exclusive things such as live calls, courses, a community to network with, webinars, etc. —
In exchange for a recurring monthly payment.
The 4 main platforms you can do this on are:
- Discord
- Circle
- Skool
- Mighty Networks
If you don’t have startup capital, I’d go with discord.
This is the process you’re gonna follow for building it up:

Once you’ve got that setup, you gotta figure out how to actually funnel building towards it.
Don’t worry I’ll break that down for you here.
The beautiful part about paid communities is that when you create the funnel you create a multiple leverageable assets such as an email list and a free group of people.
And within the funnel you can sell high-ticket to make even more money.
The funnel is broken down into 6 parts:
Your social media following
Your email list
A free community
A low ticket community
High ticket program

This is also the exact order of the funnel.
I’ll break down every stage starting with the email list for you.
Email List
Your audience first gets funneled towards your email list.
Leave a link in your bios and descriptions to it and offer a freebie (lead magnet) and resource page.
Everyone who opts into your email list is gonna be given a nurturing sequence of 7 emails + sales emails.
And after that 1-3 weekly emails to keep nurturing them.
Free Group
The goal here is to get your audience inside your ecosystem.
Within your email list you’re gonna further funnel people into your free community. This can be hosted on Discord or Telegram or any other free platform.
Just keep the prices and maintenance of this community low.
Leave a separate channel where members can introduce themselves and other channels that keep members engaging with each other.
Make sure to drop free sauce in there to people are incentivized to actually stick around.
Especially sauce from your actual paid community that FOMOs people into wanting to be part of it.
It has to be real value that gets people real results.
Those real results are gonna enable you to create a weekly wins and leaderboards channel.
This’ll help you with 2 things:
- Keeping people in the community
- Getting them interested in spending money
One more important element to keep them interested is free challenges that hold people accountable and get them to take actionable steps.
And in order to create that zealot cult-like following, get your branding and manifesto on point with things such as:
- Mission
- Purpose
- Common Enemy
Low Ticket Community
The goal here is to get people to upgrade to low ticket and capture revenue.
People who come into your low ticket community will be funneled in through your email list and free community.
You can still host it on Telegram or Discord, but if you have cashflow lying around I’d upgrade to a more professional platform such as Skool or Circle.
It really doesn’t matter though.
I host my community with The Utopia on Discord and Mighty Networks.

And it doesn’t change the fact that people see crazy results inside of there.

I also made a free training from my community public.
It’ll teach you how to make $10,000/month by becoming a Micro Creator.
Inside of your paid low ticket community you need the following:
- Intro challenge to drive momentum
- Structured accountability program
- Weekly programs
- Resources
- Paths to success
- Topic & off-topic discussions
- Strategic engagers inside
- Gamification and levels up
^All of which are inside my community the Utopia as well.
And it’s been a huge success for both myself and the people inside of it.
The goal here is to get people to upgrade to high ticket.
You don’t wanna bank solely on selling low ticket.
If your community is $50/month it’ll take you a whopping 1000 paying members to finally hit $50,000/month.
So we’re gonna use this low ticket community as an upsell for higher ticket.
Your higher ticket program is gonna be a more personalized approach to what you offer people.
You can offer group coaching or 1-on-1 coaching inside of it.
To get people to even consider that you’re gonna have to put your thumb in their mouth a little within your community.
You can host an 4 week, 8 week, or even 12 week cohort inside of your community.
During this cohort you can give them daily actions, homework, coaching calls, etc.
As well as hold them accountable.
On the last call, you upsell them to a more personalized version of the cohort.
After they finish it, you have testimonials and case studies to leverage throughout your entire funnel (Audience, emails, free group, paid community, etc.)
Not to mention if you keep your students who finish your program in the community, you keep them in the loop — thus increasing the lifespan of a paying client.
Method #2: Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is by far the easiest way to pocket your first $ on social media.
You don’t have to create a product.
You don’t have to worry about fulfillment.
And you don’t have to deal with anything customer service or refund-related.
This is basically where you piggyback off someone else’s product.
You get your own unique link you can direct your traffic towards and every sale you make with your link — you get cut of the money.
Getting Started
You need a great product first and foremost.
Something that is selling well, rising in value, has good reviews, and is value packed.
Members of TheUtopia.io get access to an affiliate link in which they can make RECURRING monthly revenue (30% to be exact).
Getting Traffic
There’s 2 main ways you can go about this.
1 - Facebook Ads
2 - Creating Content
I’ve made tons of videos on how to promote your offer on 4 main social platforms.
And yes it works even if you have an affiliate offer.
I’d recommend running through all my videos where I talk about content strategy just so you know exactly what it is you’re doing.
As for Facebook Ads, you can learn that skill from either YouTube or the Utopia
What exactly you’re putting on the ads and content
The first step in every great sales funnel is a lead magnet.
If you’re unsure of how to create a lead magnet for an affiliate offer, think about it this way:
How could you give an edge to a customer of your affiliate offer? Something that would put them ahead of their competition.
Here are some examples:
Email marketing course -> A 7-email sequence to send to new buyers
Cold email course -> Mini-guide on creating good subject lines
Web design course -> A website template or the best resources to use
Once again, we want to think about the logical progression of these customers.
What bridge (the lead magnet you’re making) do they need to get from a random person to a customer that bought the course?
Making these lead magnets isn’t too hard.
Spend an hour reading through articles on the topic and take notes on the best points.
Then compile all of the information and use a site like https://www.visme.co/ to make it all pretty.
Selling to Your List
Now you have a couple hundred (or thousand) people that have gotten your lead magnet.
These people are eager to expand their knowledge on the topic at hand.
All you have to do is give them the opportunity to get it.
All of the best affiliate marketers have email lists where they are constantly pitching new products.
You know what’s different about your list?
It’s completely targeted to one niche.
This is an amazing opportunity to pitch your golden product.
The product that’s already selling really well in your niche.
The product that these people just don’t know about it yet.
From here, you have two different directions you can go.
You can manage this email list and try and pitch them the golden product. Looking up email sequences to use, copywriting techniques, and other ways to sell to your list. Creating a 5-8 step email campaign would probably be best. Show off the benefits, reviews, amazing case studies, and testimonials that the creator already has. Then pitch the product, and ta-da, you’ve made money. Ideally, you have anywhere from 100-1000+ in this email list. If you don’t do anything too outrageous, you should be able to convert 10% of them into buying the product.
Hire someone to write the email campaign for you. You don’t need them to actively manage the list, they just need to create the first 8 or so emails that you’ll send out to the people that opt-in for the lead magnet.
Method #3: Marketing Agency
This is what I’m currently doing.
This is where you master a high income skill and sell it to businesses.
A high income skill is a skill that makes business more money at scale or saves them time.
Master copywriting & sales first and then choose a skill from this list:
- Lead generation
- Web design & CRO
- Ghostwriting
- Social Media Management
- Media Buying
- Community marketing
- Branding
- Shopify development
Practice all of your skills for 30 days locked in MINIMUM.
Package your skills up into an offer using this framework:

Then you’re gonna create your agency website using Carrd.co.
Make sure you follow this framework:

Then you can begin prospecting on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and your email list.
Again I’ve made endless videos on my YouTube breaking down this process.
Just go check it out.
Prospecting is the hardest part of this entire thing.
After that it’s just:
- Closing, Onboarding, Delivering, and Reporting.
All of which I’ve made YouTube videos on.
Since prospecting is the hardest part of this whole process,
If you’re an agency owner, coach, consultant, or info product seller — you should talk to me:
I’ve fast tracked over 200+ business owners into the go-to authorities in their space that completely dust their competition by taking all the lead flow for themselves through content ALONE.
Without cold outreach, templates, or a massive following.
Method #4: Coaching / Consulting
(Kudos to Shaurya Garg for providing this roadmap inside of TheUtopia.io
Step -1 : The Foundation
99.99% of the people get this wrong,
When selling anything you need to determine how & to whom are you gonna sell this to.
Are you gonna get most sales by paid ads?
Or through your socials??
Or a mix of both.
No matter what, you need to get this one thing right.
Which is your CONTENT and your NICHE.
Very few people are gonna buy a $5k/m course on how to get better at minecraft.
Some niches are easy to sell like in the “Make Money Online” niche because you can easily measure it in monetary terms.
For Example : If you offer a $5k course on how to make $20k in less than 30 days,
Suddenly it looks a lot more sellable.
On the contrary, not too many people would buy a similar course on how to get 2000 ELO in chess (just a random example).
So, your niche is gonna be key.
But it doesn’t mean you can’t make money in other niches,
You need GREAT content to be able to ATTRACT your dream client,
And how do you do it?
Simply by laying out the right bait.
What are the types of videos your dream customer would watch?
What is something that’s causing him pain?
How can you solve it?
(If you want to get the right client who can afford you, it’s best to make advanced content. Views and likes are good but nothing beats CASH).
Sometimes getting viral is also actually BAD for you.
You NEED to make content that attracts a high-quality viewer.
Here’s two examples of different content pieces
How to make your first dollar online
How to scale your business past 6 figures and hire a team of A-players
First vid gets a hundred thousand views, second vid makes a hundred thousand dollars.
I’d take the latter any day.
Main takeaway here is that you create content/ads targeted towards your dream coaching client and you make it so that 14yo kids don’t enter your funnel.
You can do all that by simply adding terms that only your dream customer knows and understands.
Step 2 - Creating the Product
So, once you’ve started posting content that attracts highly qualified prospects and you’ve setup all lead magnets + email sequences only your dream customer would get,
Now’s the time to offer them your solution,
You could offer coaching on building FB ads, building a six-pack, becoming a masculine figure, getting girls etc. etc.
What you need to create in order to SELL is a product that your audience WANTS.
I see prospects everyday making sh*t no one wants to buy,
Because one random Tuesday morning they get an idea to make a course and just record for 10 hours straight, wasting time and energy.
You first need to validate that your product even works,
No better way than to have your audience answer that question.
“WTF, how do i even do that”??
It’s simple, all you need to do is offer free training, get people to join it, deliver the promise and ask people for feedback and testimonials.
This is how i did it for my first client.
NOTE : There’s a lot of technical stuff that needs to be put in here to get optimal conversions, don’t be penny wise and pound foolish.
If you try doing the backend stuff yourself even if you don’t have marketing/ sales/ funnel/ copywriting knowledge it’s gonna FAIL.
Through the training, what you’re doing is basically asking people if the product is good and once you’re done revising it,
Selling it is gonna be a walk in the park.
Because everything gets easier when the product itself is KILLER.
Step 3 : The Funnel
This part is gonna be almost as important as the product,
Cause if you have a good product but don’t know how to sell it then what’s the point?
I’m assuming you already know what a funnel is and why it’s important.
Without one, selling Info-products/Coachings wouldn’t be possible.
There’s a few key elements of a really good coaching funnel (just an example i’ve seen work out time and again) :
1. Lead magnet (free/ ultra low-ticket)
2. Email sequences (multiple email lists and journeys)
3. Sales Page (with VSL, otherwise you risk losing money)
4. Book calls (after qualifying people)
For most high-ticket services this is the most common and easy funnel,
You run ads or through your socials you get people to join a free community/training.
Add them to multiple sequences and get them to your sales page.
The sales page has a VSL and you simply have people book calls with you.
You pre-qualify people so the only thing you need to do on the call is ask questions and get the payment.
Get FIVE people to book a call with you once a month and you’re making 10k-20k MRR.
If your product is bad, you might make 10k in the first month but it won’t take long for people to leave,
Or worse you’d have to refund the FULL amount (as you should, having a guarantee reverses risk and boost conversions).
There’s hundreds of combinations of funnels/strategies you can use to offer high-ticket services
Method #5: Info Products
Everyone knows what an info product is.
Warning: Selling one of these is the cheapest ticket to being hated in the space because you’ll be deemed a “course seller”
So here’s some things to keep in mind when creating one of these:
1: Less is more
Most people will tell you to “give all your best stuff away” or “stack a load of bonuses on the offer to create value.”
Now there is a time and place for this.. But it’s not with low ticket. Low ticket works differently.
Instead of trying to solve every problem your prospects have, try and solve one very specific problem.
And get them a fast result that they almost think is guaranteed.
2: Risk
You need to look at the financial AND time risk your offer has.
Most people understand how to reduce the financial risk (most low ticket products range from $7-$49) but they don’t think about the time risk.
The “50+ hour video course” that you think is good because there’s so much content presents a HUGE time risk to your prospects.
Getting someone to dedicate the time to consume a 50+ hour video course requires a huge amount of trust.
Your prospect doesn’t want to risk their time learning from someone who could potentially suck. The time investment is too much.
Speed of implementation is key when we’re creating our offer.
The more your low ticket offers have ‘done for you’ element to them the easier they will sell.
Anything from:
- Scripts
- Templates
- Guides
- Lists
- Cheat Sheets
- Start Kits
…will work.
3: Awareness
The best low ticket offers target an audience that is already solution aware.

It’s easier to sell an Amazon FBA strategy to someone whose already tried and failed with FBA in the first place…
Than it is to sell to someone who doesn’t even know what FBA is at all.
You don’t have to bother selling them on the business model or any of that.
Method #6: SaaS (Reasons to start one)
This is where you build a software that helps businesses make more money or save time.
I recommend people get into SaaS once they’ve got cashflow from another business already, but it isn’t a requirement.
1 Recurring Revenue
>You have a rough estimate of how much money you will make (and when)
>Every client/customer you acquire is worth more than a one-off purchase
With recurring revenue, You can focus less on getting more customers + more on keeping your current ones happy. This is ideal for a long-term business you can sell for millions in the future.
2 It's easier than ever to start a SaaS
There are tons of tools in the market today to build a SaaS.
You can get your business up and running ASAP without even needing to know how to code.
Plus, you can setup a prebuilt SaaS that can be ready in a week or less.
And SaaS's are usually not expensive to build. (despite what you may think)
Online tools aren't just making software easier to build tech-wise but cheaper as well.
And as competition among SaaS-building tools increases, It will only get cheaper.
3 Valuations are crazy
SaaS valuations are a huge benefit of the business model.
If you can get your SaaS to $2k a month in MRR, It's worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
And it's not that hard to build a $2k/mo SaaS that you can sell for $100K+
This is because SaaS buyers appreciate the recurring revenue.
Compare two business models:
1) an eComm store that sells shirts for $99
2) a SaaS that sells a monthly $99 membership per customer
The 2nd is much more valuable for many reasons.
4 You don't have to build something new
When it comes to SaaS, You don't need to be a genius. You can start something that already exists, put a little 'spin' to it, and boom - $1M SaaS #1123
Method #7: The Utopia
If you enjoyed this email, you’ll enjoy the Utopia 100x more.
The value in this email doesn’t even scratch the surface of what’s in there.
I made it affordable for you and anyone else who wants to start a $10,000/month business from scratch without any guesswork.
I also teach you how to become Micro Creator in there.
If you have commitment issues, don’t worry.
I ALSO created a free training that’ll teach you how to do this anyways.
The Utopia is just if you wanna speed up that process tenfold.
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