Why Faceless Brands Are De*D

How To Become a Creator-led Marketer

Have you guys seen one of those social media accounts with just a few thousand followers making an insane amount of $$$ and wondered “How the hell are they pulling this off?”

Well, I’m the reason they’re able to do this.

I’ve helped these accounts become trusted authorities in the space and make MILLIONS in revenue with only a tiny online audience.

I call this:

Creator-led Marketing

Which is the future of branding as a whole as we know it

And it’s putting an end to faceless branding

Creator-led marketers own a (real & loyal) audience that rallies around them, and that same audience will rally around whatever they sell

The estimated worth of the creator economy is $104.2 billion, and the market size is expected to double by 2027.

You need to be taking advantage of this NOW.

Prime Hydration, for example, took just 3 years to become the #1 most-sold beverage At Walmart in 2023,

while it took Gatorade 30 YEARS to get to that point.


You guessed it, Creator-Led Marketing

Gatorade -> Built off a FACELESS brand.

They relied solely on traditional advertising and endorsements without any kinda of personal connection to their audience.

Prime -> Built off people (Logan Paul & KSI).

People don’t just buy the drink; they buy into the creators behind it.

Gatorade might have the legacy, but Prime has the faces that fans are excited to follow and support.

Nobody cares about brand-named logos and slogans.

They’ve become obsessed with PEOPLE and PEOPLE’S logos and slogans.

Okay, Mubbu, that's cool! But Logan Paul is one of the biggest names in the creator space. How could I ever compete with him?

You’ve just led me into the best part:

You don’t need to be the next big Logan Paul with 27 million followers because you can operate as a micro-creator:

AKA the go-to authority figure in their niche. They’re the first names that come to mind when someone thinks about the industry they’re in.

And ANYBODY can become a micro-creator

A micro-creator could have 1000, 500, or even just 300 followers.

But they successfully create a consistent, dedicated fan base that rallies behind them just by displaying their

  • Authentic self,

  • Thoughts about the world,

  • Business viewpoints,

  • and Personal interests.

This way, you can create a personal ecosystem where YOU own the traffic and how much money you make.

The main point I’m trying to emphasize is →

The number of followers you have doesn’t matter.

What matters is becoming the nucleus of the community.

And as a founder of 8-9 figure brands, this will become more important than ever.

You can no longer solely rely on your business to scale.

You need to start relying on yourself by leveraging your authentic self.

As a Micro-authority, you can build real e-commerce stores, SaaS, DTCs—REAL BRANDS—around your personal brand.

Who Should Be a Micro-Authority?

Pretty much ANYONE who sells ANYTHING online.

  • B2B Owners

  • Marketing Agency Owners

  • Freelancers

  • Info Product Sellers

  • Coaches and Consultations

If you are a living, breathing, human, chances are your interests and personality fall into the same line of hundreds, even thousands of people.

I figured out the concept of a Micro Authority when I hopped on Twitter back in 2020.

I saw big founders & CEOs of all sizes pushing value and I didn’t understand why.

That was until I pushed value myself and ended up closing 2 massive deals at less than 10,000 followers for 2 guys who were huge in the CRO space.

I realized big followings were a scam and that there’s a science to making tiny followings work more effectively than big ones.

You don’t even need hours a day to do this.

You can get it done in 45 minutes a day– IF you know what you’re doing

So I’ll explain that all to you

The Platforms

There are only 4 social medias I really care about posting to.

The crazy part?

Instagram is NOT one of them

Here are the 4 main platforms to focus on:

  • X
    X is a nucleus.

    If you have the right content strategy, you can have a few hundred or a few thousand followers and close hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of deals.

  • Linkedin

    Literally duplicate your Twitter strategy.

    Repost all your best-performing content onto Linkedin and engage with people.

  • Youtube

    Whatever your top-performing content was on X, make a long-form video 5-15 minutes long, post it on YouTube, and in 90 days, you’ll start seeing some growth.

  • Email List

    You’ll lead all your traffic back to your own email list and send one newsletter weekly.

    Provide some value, and you have the ultimate acquisition machine.

Cult-like Following

Again, it doesn’t matter if you have a following of 300 or 10,000.

The goal is to make them OBSESSED with you and your content, to make them continuously buy from you.

There’s a bit of psychology behind this.

I used and employed the following tactics to build my audience completely anonymously to 140,000 followers and generated millions of revenue.

I’ve also duplicated this strategy for countless industry names, and they have all reached true authority status.


I am not employing you to use these tactics for immoral or unethical reasons. This will just screw your life. Not worth it

Instead, it’s meant to be used to build a cult-like following that stands behind your vision.

So now that’s out of the way,

Marketing is just propaganda with a shorter funnel.

If we understand this, we can sway the minds of the masses to whatever we see fit.

The formula →

Identity + Purpose + Common Enemy

Let’s take my online community, Utopia, for example,

Identity: Utopian

Purpose: Make $10k/mo without spending an arm and a leg

Common enemy: The high-price course industry

You need to understand the common enemy you’re whole account can stand behind to “fight.”

This is essential for appealing to human nature

Humans can’t help but hate or refuse to do certain things

Make sure your common enemy rooted in a deep pain point for your target audience

When I say, “F the high-priced course industry for beginners,” I’m telling my followers they shouldn’t be paying ridiculous prices to learn how to build an online business.

And I’m here to help them fight this common enemy and achieve success when they click the link to my services.

It taps into their sense of inner purpose.

When we apply this to a person’s identity and purpose while polarizing them with our message, we create a reaction that benefits us.

You then combine this with Congruent Branding →


This is how we can leverage symbols and specific phrases to get people to rally around something.

We’re surrounded by THOUSANDS of them every day -

  • Political signs

  • Big brand logos like Apple, Nike, & McDonalds

  • Religious Symbols

To be able to strengthen your community of people who believe in your message,

Have a phrase and a symbol that people can stand behind that encompasses the morals and values of that specific community.

For Utopia, I used the memetic “LLU” - Long, Live, Utopia.

And I had people put “Utopian” in their X bios to represent the cause.

It represents a community that’s changed lives and every single person in it is ready to stand behind it.

And when people publicly stand behind it, the message is out in the open.

It gets people curious because the Utopians have this “if you know, you know” feel – and outsiders want to be a part of that.

So they become part of your movement.

That’s how you’ll gain that cult-like following.

The Launch

The entire goal of becoming a creator-led marketer is to build trust.

Author and entrepreneur Seth Godin describes trust as “the scarcest resource we got.”

"Trust is the scarcest resource we've got. Once you can earn it, you're golden, but it takes time, and it takes intent, and it takes focus. And once you earn it, it's really easy to lose it."

So, while you’re building your presence, the objective isn’t to sell something right away. You’re gaining your audience’s trust to the point where you’ve built 100 real fans.

I’m not talking about 100 followers. The fans are the ones who consistently engage with you, talk with you, DM you, and are the people you see as potential friends.

These will be the people who’ll be screaming your name at the top of the mountain.

And when you’ve finally built this “fan-base,” that’s when you can go ahead and launch your product or service.

Your followers will be RUNNING for the products you have to offer with no extravagant marketing strategy in place.

I did when I launched my agency offer.

I positioned myself as this guy who can get you massive deals with a tiny following without cold outreach.

This trust was built when I had actually done it for my first set of clients and I had them vouch for me.

Social proof is still hands down the best method of building trust and proving authenticity.

They buy solely based on their admiration for your authenticity.

I Launched My Product, Now What?

Launching isn’t the end all be all.

After a launch, you continue to be completely true and authentic to yourself, and to your audience by having real conversions and building relationships with your following.

This is done through consistent

  • Technical value

  • Conviction based content

  • Authoritative content

You have to make sure you stand behind your messaging with so much conviction that you can successfully debate ANYONE who tries to tell you otherwise.

This is what creator-led marketing is all about.

You’re not just the face, but the heartbeat of the brand.

Your authenticity and dedication will drive the connection with your audience, making your brand more than just a business—it becomes a movement that people believe in and rally behind.

Ending Note

*Biggest takeaways section

At this point you probably understand how Creator-Led Marketing is the next evolution of personal branding

There’s 3 types of people who understand this and they achieve 3 different outcomes because of the action steps they take

Person #1:

Doesn’t know how to get it done. Just wings it. Posts content thinking it’ll drive traffic towards their launch. Is really just wasting time. Probably won’t see results for at least 1-2 years – if they’re lucky.

Person #2:

Digests all of my content, understands what they have to do and they go and try it out. They know the science and they’ll likely see results in 6 months or so.

Person #3:

Understands the science, but has the scientists themselves create a formula catered towards him. The scientists hypothesize, brew, and put together the entire thing and hand it over to them on a silver platter while they sit back and enjoy lead flow. They can see results as quick as even under 90 days.

These types of people are the ones who hop on calls with me:


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