How To Create A Winning Offer

The Ultimate Offer Creation Guide for Beginners

I hate to burst your bubble but

But there is nothing unique about you

You think because you spent a little bit of time learning some high-income skills that you are now ready to make some cash?

My friend, this is just the starting point

You’ve only taken 1 step out of this 10000-step journey of making real money online

Your high-income skill is the bare minimum, it's your token to start playing the game

It’s so sad to say but the reason why 99% of you beginner agency owners, freelancers, solopreneurs, or whatever you want to call yourself fail is that you don’t know what to do once you start learning a high-income skill

But it's okay, the point of today’s post isn’t to discourage you

Today I am going to teach you the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT of service-based businesses

I’m going to walk you through everything you need to know to MONETIZE your high-income skill

Visualizing a high income skills transformation to start getting paid

If you want to get paid for your high-income skill, then you need to transform it into an OFFER

Your high-income skill is like high-quality raw ingredients. The offer is the culinary expertise that transforms these ingredients into a gourmet meal.

While the ingredients are valuable, it's the chef's skill in combining and cooking them that creates a dish people are willing to pay for.

Another example is a caterpillar and butterfly. Your caterpillar is your high-income skill, your offer is your butterfly

They are just transformations.

Why do you need an offer & what is NOT and What actually is it?

Today’s entire post is about offer creation, now that you understand how to visualize it, I am going to explain what it is.

Your offer is packaging your high-income skill and selling it as a service. Adding a little bow on top of your high-income skill to present it nicely to potential clients.

90% of new agency owners fail not because of their results, but because they don’t know how to create an offer.

Most people think “We will help you with x” is an offer...

But in reality, that's a Fiverr Gig title

Let me show you how to create a real offer

If you are a newbie agency owner or a veteran looking to scale your agency,

If there are times when you think your agency is not producing the result it should - 90% of the times you would think it’s a lead generation issue

But my friend, If I dig deeper by asking you 2, 3 questions - we’d definitely find the culprit to be “incorrect offer and positioning”

For example,

If you are an email marketing agency and I ask you what your offer is, 9 times out of ten I’d get:

“We do email marketing and we help companies get more sales through emails”

That is NOT an offer, that’s a service, (as cold email wiz says)

As an agency owner, offer creation and offer mastery is one of the most difficult skills you have to master

How can I create an offer? 

An offer is broken down into 5 main elements. It’s an infusion between:

  1. The Outcome

  2. The positioning

  3. The Deliverables

  4. The Pricing

  5. The Target audience

Once each of these is defined (I will show you how to do it in this post today), you can create a winning statement.

A created multiple lessons inside of The Utopia to teach how how to use your offer to actually get clients

Breaking down the 5 elements of a winning offer

The outcome

“Features Tell, Benefits Sell”

This is a phrase I learned in the Ecom world a few years ago. Whenever I was trying to sell a product, I would tell people all the micro features about it and I noticed my conversion rates were low. It’s like people didn’t care.

I then heard this phrase and decided to test it out. Instead of telling people “I am selling an IP68 Waterproof phone case”

I switched my angle to “Enjoy a stress-free summer on the beach”. I sold the OUTCOME of my product primarily, then introduced the features after.

This same principle applies to the OFFER CREATION SPACE for service-based businesses. The goal is not to sell your deliverables. It’s to define this “outcome”

The outcome is the END RESULT or TRANSFORMATION that you are promising you can provide to people.

For a Facebook ad agency, you are selling an outcome of Lower customer acquisition costs and viral ads

For a community agency, you are selling an outcome of improved LTV and building a real brand

For a content repurposing agency, you are selling - Mass awareness across all social media to build authority, drive traffic, and get sales

How can you identify your outcome?

Well it’s simple, what problem are you solving?

I use something I created called The PRP method in

It gives you all the info you need to identify problems

P - Pain

R - Resolution

P - Proof Define

3 macro pains and 3 micro pains,

Write out how your offer solves those pains

Then show proof with statistics, images, or videos

Once you identify the pains, you can start testing those solutions as your OUTCOME.

The winning outcome will be determined by TESTING.

The positioning 


Your positioning is the angle you use to stand out from everyone else. The question we are answering here is “How do you want to sit in the minds of your consumers?”


Positioning has to remind your perfect prospect why they need your service, it shows them the problems you solve for them while taking a weight off their shoulders.

It’s a game of CHANGING PERCEPTION. You want to build a positive perception in your prospect's eyes.

I have a few structures here for positioning

The deliverables

It’s finally time to talk about how we help people achieve the outcome you promise. This is the work you are providing to your clients.

The deliverables are the actual systems and SOPs you’ve created to deliver the result. For example, if you owned a TikTok ads agency, this could involve managing the ad account, creating 50 TikTok videos a month, posting on the account, and optimizing the strategy.

This is the HOW.

Every agency has about 3-10 main deliverables, they are all based on your overall expertise and individual high-income skills. They are the reason you can charge your price point.

I have multiple posts in The Utopia teaching you how to create systems from scratch and how you can use them to automate your deliverables.

The pricing

Let’s talk about the juicy stuff now. How do you get PAID for your services?

Well, we have to understand that people are willing to pay thousands of dollars a month for you to make them some extra money.

There are 3 main pricing models that I would recommend for freelancers and agency owners:

  1. Fixed Monthly Retainer

  2. Performance Based

  3. Hybrid Model

For the Fixed Monthly Retainer, you have a set price point that you can charge for every month. This is enough to cover your expenses and make sure you have a profit coming in.

For the Performance Based Model, you are taking a % of the revenue that you are making for the brand.

For the Hybrid Model, you are taking both a retainer and a % of the revenue that you are generating for them

Your pricing is based on whatever service you are providing

The Target audience 

Now before I bore you to death, this is the final part about creating an offer. It’s about identifying who you want to actually target. I know everyone here wants to be live AMAZON, you think you can target everyone because there are so many more potential clients, but the truth is people want to hire specialists.


Why is this? So you can become the go-to individual in your space, a real authority that people trust.

For example my offer for my agency is I help AGENCY OWNERS build their online presence on Twitter & LinkedIn.

That is a market inside a market. But I am recognized as the only person to hire in the space.

How do you identify your target audience?

It’s a testing play here, I tried 6 different audiences before I figured mine out. The only way to know is through date

  1. Figure out 5 different audiences that can benefit from the solutions you’re providing

  2. Start reaching out to each and see which one is really interested in the offer you have the most

  3. See which ones are the easiest to get results for And then focus on that audience


Don’t be a chump that sells Fiverr Gig titles

Be a real business owner with a real offer by implementing everything I said here.

If you need help creating your marketing agency and your offer, then check out The Utopia.

I hate the high-priced course industry for beginners, so I decided to destroy that industry by creating something EVERYONE could afford

The Utopia is everything I would you to go from $0 to $10k/mo with my own marketing agency

And you can get access to it here 
