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How to control your audience
And turn them into raving fan-customers
One of the biggest things I do for my clients is turn their followers into raving fans.
We build them up into people who aren’t just content creators, but cult-leaders who own a zealot following.
This is how we get them followers, engagement, and most of all – leads.
Some people call it marketing, but we call it for what it is: Propaganda (But it’s ethical)
In this email we're going to discuss:
And how it's all used to sway your mind.
Marketing is just propaganda with a shorter funnel.
If we understand this we can change the minds of the masses to whatever we see fit.
The Sway of the Invisible Government (Manipulating Public Opinion)
80% of public opinion is influenced by or completely derived from 20% of people, maybe even less.
(This is a rough estimate. The point is that most are dictated by few.)
This reigns true throughout every communication method that exists.
With social media on the rise this has been taken to new heights.
Online, influencers and KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) take the internet by storm and shape public ideology.
Your influencers are people like YouTubers, celebrities, streamers, etc.
Your KOLs are people like political activists and public speakers.
An influencer can be a KOL and a KOL can also be an influencer.
Influencers and KOLs are the 20% in this scenario.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
How does this apply in social media?
You're most likely part of that 80% as of right now.
Your job as a
Business owner
Anybody with influence
Is to move into that 20% — where you quite literally dictate what people think:
Craft your own narrative. A message your account preaches that is different from anyone else in your niche.
To be seen as an authority, you need to connect with accounts in your niche and have them vouch for you.
You have a collective of large accounts standing besides you which makes you perceived as unstoppable.
Social media thrives on emotional content that is polarizing.
Everybody likes to joke about bait posts that try to "get a reaction out of you" but the truth is every single piece of social media content serves that purpose.
When we apply our identity, mission, and common enemy and polarize them with our message — we are creating a reaction that benefits us.
If we dive deeper into something like an offer, the positioning is what'll invoke those feelings amongst people.
Positioning alone establishes the mission and common enemy of our brand.
— Do you remove an old pain?
— Do you bring their dream to reality?
— Are you a niche within a niche specialist?
— Are you bringing forth a new method of doing things?
— Do you have a unique mechanism that’s the secret to winning?
Positioning is how you can apply:
Emotional Appeal
Symbolic Imagery
Social Proof
All of which trigger deep subconscious triggers.
Memetics (Congruent Branding)
Memetics are specific content, designs, colors, symbols, phrases, etc. that all relate back to your brand.
All of these congruences are intended to make you / your brand easily recognizable.
For Twitter & LinkedIn: If people read your posts without seeing your name and profile picture, would they be able to tell it’s your post?
For YouTube/TikTok/Instagram: If people closed their eyes and listened to your video, would they be able to tell it’s your video?
The more you stand out the more memorable you are (duh).
That's our end objective.
Building a cult-like following is all about trying to stay top of mind.
You know you're an authority-figure when you're the first thought that comes to someone's mind when they come across the little details your brand is all about.
If you hear “Make America Great Again” you think of Donald Trump for example
If you see a cross symbol you think of Christianity or Jesus
If you see a country’s flag, you will think of that country
One of the memetics I used for my brand was "LLU" which stands for "Long Live Utopia"
And since the Utopia was a community that changed many lives, they're ready to stand behind that memetic.
Another one I used for the Utopia was having people put "Utopian" in their Twitter names to represent the cause.
Those on the outside don't understand but the people inside do.
As a result, you get this cult-like mentality from them.
It's all about building that "If you know, you know" mentality.
The other purpose of the "Utopian" name is that it ties into identity.
Humans are constantly ready to identify with something.
This is the entire function of giving them a memetic that acts as a banner.
People don't say "I follow the Republican ideas" — They say "I'm a Republican"
People don't say "I follow the Islamic teachings" — They say "I'm a Muslim"
People don't say "I do masculine things" — They say "I'm masculine"
They do more than just follow these ideas, they embody and become them.
We want people to feel like they're a part of something. Identity + Memetics = Mission
There's a study by MK Ultra that says it takes 2,500 repetitions to change someone's mind.
You want to repeat your winning memetic over and over.
Mine was "Become a Micro-Authority"
I've repeated this so many times to the point where every sales call I have, the prospect tells me they want to become a Micro-Authority.
People rally behind the concepts that change lives.
Random people won't understand it, but that's fine.
Once the right people understand it, they'll fight to be a part of it.
Identity + Mission = Common Enemy
Every one of your memetic phrases needs to have a deep meaning attached to it.
You can discover this by pushing out and testing a bunch of different ones.
One of my old ones was a campaign I built around the "death of outbound".
It had loads of people who stood by it and loads of people who stood against it.
As much as you might not want to make enemies, having them is an essential component of cultivating a cult-like following.
The positioning of "Us VS Them" is what fuels fire in politics, religion, and business.
When I pushed the "Micro-Authority" memetic, the common enemy became influencers with massive followings because a Micro-Authority can close 6-7 figures a month without:
Selling their soul
Entertaining the masses
Becoming an employee of social media
All of which many people did not want to do so they stood by the message.
Identity + Mission + Common Enemy = Cult-like following
And You + This Link = Having all of that for yourself