If I Wanted to Grow An Audience In 2025, I'd Do This

Step by Step Instructions

If you’re reading this email you’re early.

Everyone is gonna go all in on building their personal brand in 2025.

CEOs, billionaires, founders, and even your grandma are doing it.

I’ve spent the past 4-5 years building audiences for big names in the space.

And I’m gonna share some key things you should be taking note of if you wanna build a profitable audience in 2025.

Or – if you’re a hustler – you could get it done before the year ends.

First things first is actually generating content ideas.

There are 2 main methods of coming up with content.

1 is the interview.

You’re gonna literally interview yourself as if you were on a podcast.

Don’t worry about coming up with the questions.

I got them for you right here:

  • What are some personal stories or anecdotes that you could share that would be relevant to your business?

  • What are some of the successes your business has had recently? And you would attribute your successes to what?

  • What advice would you give to other businesses that are just starting out?

  • What are some of the things you're still working on improving for your business?

  • What are some of the trends you're seeing in your industry?

  • What are 4 to 5 business takes worth sharing with your audience that you can really expand on?

  • Run me through your typical day.

  • What are some of your daily habits?

  • What's your story? Main milestones from your starting point to where you are now.

  • What are some accomplishments of yours that would make for a good headline?

  • Biggest lessons you’ve learned in your industry?

  • What are common mistakes you see from people in your industry?

  • What are the biggest failures/lessons you’ve experienced in your life?

  • What are the most important principles people should know about your industry?

  • What are the important skills people should learn to be successful in life?

  • What are the biggest mistakes beginners make in your industry?

  • What is the main thing you want to promote in your threads and tweets?

  • What are some of the things you're most passionate about?

Use your answers to these interview questions in order to write content.

It’s universal too. This can apply to virtually every social media platform out there.

Method 2 is Market Research.

Identify your competitors in the space and study their best performing content within the past 30 days.

For example if you were in the Creatives niche, you’d study an account like Anze’s.

Just from looking at his account you can tell his media posts are doing exceptional.

Next thing is creating your unfair advantage.

Something you’ll notice amongst most accounts in the space is that all they post is technical.

How-to’s, how to go from point A to point B, strategies, etc.

That stuff is great. Don’t get me wrong.

But it’s booooooooring.

And most people don’t care for it anymore.

That makes your life easier since you want a following that rallies around you.

There’s 2 main ways you can do this:

1: Building in Public

That means building your business and life in public so people follow you like a Netflix series.

You want them to see your growth in every facet of life so there’s this human element to your personal brand.

AKA the PERSONAL element.

And 2: Sharing your opinions, hot takes, business takes, etc.

Don’t try to play on the side of everyone.

If you agree with everyone, you stand for nothing.

You’re not here to make friends with everyone.

You’re here to build a cult-like following.

You’re not talking to everyone.

You’re talking to your ICP.

When it comes to persuasive content, 80% of the work is research on who you’re targeting and 20% is actually content creation.

Answer these set of questions about your Ideal Client/Customer so you can really talk to them when you create content:

— What is their revenue?

— What’s holding them back?

— What fears do they have?

— What desires do they have?

— What are their dreams?

— What seasons are we in?

  • What pains do they feel during this season?

— How have they been screwed by others (especially in your niche) in the past?

— What does it feel like to lose or win for these people?

— Questions they have that are holding them back + FAQs

— Who are they following on social media?

  • Who are they commenting underneath?

  • Who are they talking to?

Next we’re gonna discuss optimizing your content creation so you’re constantly producing the best output.

This is a 3-step process.

Step 1:

Once a week you go into your account + your competitors accounts and identify what’s:

— Winning content

— Losing content

— What others (especially in your niche) are talking about

Step 2:

Then the next day you’re gonna identify topics based off of your analysis.

Use those topics to create a new list of questions you can interview yourself with.

Answer those questions by recording yourself.

And then write out content based on the answers you spit out.

Step 3:

Bi-weekly you’re gonna create a new content strategy.

50% of it is based on new tests.

50% is based on what’s worked in the past.

This way you’re constantly moving with the meta and establishing a new meta at the same time.

You might have a difficult time organizing all of this.

So because you’re subscribed to this email list I’ll even give you a free posting schedule you can follow.

You don’t have to copy it to the T, but it’s a good place to start.

Btw before I show you the schedule – you might not know what some of these content pieces are.

You can check out this video here where I break them down:


  • LinkedIn long form

  • Authority long form / thread

  • 2x value tweets

  • Daily engagement

  • DM funnel promotion


  • 2x value tweets

  • Daily engagement

  • Long form business take

  • Midas promotion

  • Game day funnel


  • 2x value tweets

  • Daily engagement

  • Promotional tweet

  • Story thread or long form

  • LinkedIn long form


  • 2x value tweets

  • Daily engagement

  • Long form business take

  • LinkedIn (screenshot of a tweet)


  • 2x value tweets

  • Technical thread or long form

  • Daily engagement

  • Personalized lifestyle content

  • LinkedIn long form


  • 2x value tweets

  • Daily engagement

  • Promotional tweet

  • LinkedIn (tweet screenshot)


  • Series based tweet

  • Promotional tweet for the day

  • LinkedIn (tweet screenshot)

Everything I’ve laid out for you in this email can be followed by a 10-step system like this one:

Ideally you wanna delegate or automate as much of this as possible

Here some tools you can delegate and optimize your content with:

  • VidIQ for YouTube

  • Hypefury (or TweetHunter) for Twitter

  • Taplio for LinkedIn