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Barrier Of Entry
Overcoming Your Mental Limitation

I think you’re noticing a trend with these emails
I start each off by giving you the truth
Some of you get scared and run away
Others will see it as a reality check and thank me down the road
Today’s truth is simple
It’s harder than ever to start an online business
“But Wiz, there are so many resources out there”
Yes, but I want you to think about this for a moment
Visualize a castle, around that castle is a Moat with crocodiles inside
Getting into the castle would be tough, right?
Well, what if we replaced those crocodiles with Nemo style clown fish, would you have any trouble getting in?
Of course not… This is because the BARRIER OF ENTRY is now easier. If the barrier of entry is easier, this means theres more competition, which ALSO means its harder to reach any success
The barrier of entry to starting a business online is easier than ever
So now what? Is it time to give up?
No, it’s just the raw reality of the playing field
99% of the people in this industry will sell you false hope, they will tell you that it is fairly “easy” to be successful
They’re liars
This is a battle. You are at war with your negative self, you are forced to learn, and you have to make progress every single day.
It’s the most challenging journey you will go through is starting your online business
Now that we got the weeds out of the garden, let’s talk about what life is like on the other side.
When you go to the grocery store, go for dinner, or go to the doctor, you don’t have to worry about how much cash you have left in your account.
When life gets difficult, you no longer blame God for being put in a different situation, you find a way to handle it cause you’re emotionally intelligent
When you wake up in the morning, you will no longer feel lost or confused because you know a real vision that you are working towards. You feel like you have a real purpose.
I truly believe that running a business can be the greatest decision you ever make for yourself and everyone around you.
And today I am going to prove why to you
. Getting out of the scarcity state
Society has you, me, and everybody in a loop.
Since birth, we are bred to chase just enough money to get by. We spend a fat chunk of our conscious mental space thinking about bills "If I buy this, I'll only have $28 left"
You waste your life living in a scarce state. You are living a life doing things you don't want to do. Spending 50 years working for other people's vision, waking up at times we hate.
Stressing about money all day. And being one accident away from bankruptcy
This is not the way to live. You've already subscribed to the sentiment that you have to do things you don't want to do to get by in life
So why prolong this?
Why not just do what we love to do?
Sacrifice the present for a better future AKA Build a business. The chances you are even alive are insane.
In life, you might have achieved a lot… But you still aren't fulfilled. Fulfillment is simply working towards something you are passionate about
But to work towards that, money is almost always necessary to fund the vision. The simplest way to do so is to master 3 complimentary in-demand skills and offer it as a service to brands. I am talking about creating a marketing agency which you will learn how to do in The Utopia.
Yes, I know this isn't fulfilling, but as I said above, you are already doing things you don't like to do right now for others. Why not do those things for yourself and be "financially free" in 6 months to a year?
. Emotional Intelligence
You can’t get anywhere in life if you are a slave to your emotions. Business helps you see your emotions as something that just passes by instead of being cemented in your personality How? Failures. You will be challenged like never before
You will have nights where you cry, You will have nights where you feel like you can fly—The ultimate rollercoaster of emotions. You will learn how to manage them all. Once you manage your emotions, you no longer waste time in low-vibrating states
What you see below is a chart of “Consciousness” by David R Hawkins
He mapped out every possible emotion/feeling a human can experience and RANKED them.
Anything below courage is low vibrating emotions. These emotions control 99% of the population. People are stuck in states of pride, anger, stress, fear, and shame and can’t get out of it.
So how do you get out of these states? It’s all about Courage.
“Courage is the Gateway… Courage is the dividing line between weakness and strength of character. If you want to get past the situation where fear and anxiety run your life, you must eventually embrace the energy of courage.” - Steve Pavlina
Having the courage to get out of your mundane routine, starting a business, and challenging yourself is your first step on the path to a fulfilling life.
. Video game character
Have you ever played a racing game as a kid?
Did you try out one of those timed laps?
There was a ghost version of your car that completed the lap in perfect timing
Wait, let me just show you what I am talking about
Do you see the ghost ahead?
Well, this is how I view my life, there's a version of me doing everything as best as I could. Operating at my fullest potential
I call this ghost the “self.”
Then the actual car you see that isn’t a ghost, that's actually me, that’s WIZ, that’s MUBBU
I am lagging behind my actual best self, I’m operating at a % of my true power and it’s terrible.
The further I lag behind, the more unfulfilled and unhappier I actually become. The goal is to operate as close to the BEST VERSION OF YOU as possible. And this happens ONLY when you are constantly progressing and killing off old versions of you.
You need to have uncompromising self-honesty to live a life of everlasting transformation
And this is possible when you start a business. You are forced to improve every day in all aspects of your life. Your soul and business demand more from you to not only keep up, but to GROW.
Fulfillment isn't the end destination. It's an ongoing journey. You cannot feel the highs if you don't come across the lows. Life is a spectrum The journey you've been on has cleared your mind from the cloudy, garbage thoughts
You are now looking for what your purpose is. On the journey you've been on, you started to figure out what you like and what you don't. You have gotten hints by strengthening your gut about what your true purpose is You follow that and create your vision
Define your North Star once you understand your purpose Create a tangible vision that you will reach Accept the fact that you will reach it, it's just you waiting for time to catch up, And fund it all with your business's profits.
Building a business changed my life.
If you want to build you own marketing agency, then click this and let me teach you