Skill Issue

The skills you need in 2025

Choosing a high income skill so you can start a business from 0 and scale it to $10K/mo is probably the most important decision you think comes to getting started in the make money online space

And there are gurus out there that will say:

Just learn eCommerce!

Just learn Social Media Marketing!

Just learn SaaS!

That’s bullshit.

Sorry to break the bad news to you.

And in this video I’m going to show you why…

There’s 3 underlying skills you need for ANY of those business models to work

If you suck at these 3, any business you run is gonna suck too

So what is the high-income skill?

A high income skill is a skill that makes business more money AT SCALE

You’re not keeping a business running like a cashier or janitor

You’re scaling someone else’s business by getting them more eyes on what they sell — or turning those eyes into buyers

A good high income skill is one that isn’t gonna be replaced by AI, it’s in-demand, you can master it for free, and it has just a little bit of saturation so you know it actually works

You’re making an important decision here because the currency you’re exchanging ISN’T money, it’s time

So ideally you pick one you can see yourself putting 10,000 hours into like it was an MMORPG

I’m not an advocate for following your passion, however I am an advocate for monetizing your gifts

Whether it be communication, writing, problem-solving, visual arts, etc.

That’s what’s gonna lead you to choose what I call a “Variable Skill” such as video editing or web design.

But before your monetize your talents, you need these 3 skills on the backend in order for it to work

These are called Evergreen Skills

AKA skills that are applicable in every industry regardless of what you sell

1 Copywriting

I know I know — typical “make-money-online” jargon.

But that doesn’t take away from the necessity of this skill.

Copywriting is the art of persuading people through written words; salesmanship in print.

Some examples are:

  • Email copywriting

  • Copywriting for ads

  • Landing Page Copywriting

  • Content Copywriting

But you can extrapolate copywriting out to every industry in the business world possible.

Literally every business in the history of mankind needs copywriting in order to sell.

You can’t get people to press a button, purchase something, or do just about anything with copywriting.

Think about these 2 homeless people for example:

The one on the left is just asking people to give them money.

The one on the right actually poses an incentive for people to give them money.

Here’s a perfect explanation of a copywriting concept by my partner Mark.

All these little writing tricks that get people to do something are copywriting.

And every business needs it.

Ecom owners, SaaS owners, personal brands, agency owners, coaches, consultants, the list is practically infinite in the world of business.

Even lawyers, real estate agents, and car salesmen need copywriting (even if they don’t know it).

I’ve personally hired copywriters myself to help me with my content and landing pages.

I make sure 99% of the people I hire for my business have some understanding of persuasive copywriting.

You can learn it from YouTube, buying courses, or (the best option by far) joining the Utopia.

2 Lead Generation

Lead Generation is the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business’s products or services.

The people show interest in an offer are called “leads”

And “lead generation” is the ability to generate consistent leads towards that offer.

Outbound is you reaching out to prospects or putting yourself (or your client) in front of their prospect’s eyes.

The most common (and best) route to do so is personal branding / social media marketing.

Generally speaking you aren't gonna spin up Cold DMs for people unless you’re offering some sort of SaaS or tool to do so.

So if you choose to do outbound lead gen for business owners you’re either gonna go down the cold email route or paid ads route.

Inbound is where you get the leads to come to you.

And if you wanna pitch inbound lead generating you’re gonna have to add the skills of social media marketing and branding to your skillset.

Why is lead generation a great skill?

Because it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in.

Every single business EVER needs leads.

That’s the whole point of having a business; having someone to sell to.

Having no leads means having no business.

This fact is so undeniable that virtually every marketing agency model and coaching model for businesses are based around either attracting leads or converting them.

Here’s an example of an outbound lead gen offer:

Here’s an example of an inbound lead gen offer:

The great thing about this skill is that it’s not only one you can sell to your clients,

Such as marketing agency owners, Ecom owners, SaaS, owners, personal brands, etc.

But you can use it YOURSELF to generate your own leads (clients) in the first place.

I’ve personally hired Lead Generation guys for my Instagram & YouTube and I still work with some of them to this day.

You can learn Lead Gen from YouTube, buying courses, and the Utopia.

3 Sales

Sales is the art of persuading people through spoken words to purchase something.

I.e. the verbal version of copywriting.

Like copywriting, every:

- Agency Owner

- Coach/Consultant

- SaaS Owner

- Business Owner

EVER… needs salesmen.

In the b2b (business to business) space it’s high ticket closers they need.

There’s two main forms of breaking into sales.

The first way is appointment setting (entry level)

The second way is actually doing the closing yourself.

Why is this a great skill?

— Sales is always going to be in-demand. You need humans to convince humans to buy things. AI will never get the job done unless you’re talking to someone who's been lobotomized.

— If you get good quickly you can do 6 figures within your first year. The amount you get paid is all up to you. So the sky's the limit.

— Businesses are incentivized to hire salespeople because they can pay them commission-only to offset risk.

— Your sales skills are applicable in every aspect of life – business, social skills, relationships, etc.

— If you run a marketing agency yourself you’re gonna need your own sales skills in order to close your first clients.

As a skill on its own, you can sell it to:

- Marketing Agency Owners

- Ecom Owners

- SaaS Owners

- Personal Brands

- Anyone who sells anything online (for the most part)

I’ve personally hired 2 salespeople myself and I was a salesperson myself before expanding my skillset out into the digital marketing world.

Why did I hire salespeople?

Because me (and many other business owners) do NOT have the time to do 100 sales calls a month unless it’s their full time.

Where can you learn sales from?

The same places as before.

YouTube, buying courses, and the Utopia.

It’s almost like the Utopia has literally everything you need (it does) to make $10,000/month from scratch.