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The Best Personal Branding Advice On The Internet
It took me 50,000 posts to learn these

I’ve been building personal brands for 4+ years and have made $5M and even more millions for over 300+ of the top personal brands in the space.
And you know what you’re goal is if you’ve signed up up to my newsletter:
-A profitable personal brand
-Connections with top names in the space
-Leaving cold outreach on social media in the past
Today I’m condensing the most important lessons I’ve learned from writing 50,000+ tweets, producing hundreds of videos, and having not missed a single day of posting content since February 14th 2020 – into this single email right here.
To grow both followers and become a client magnet in 2024, you need some fundamentals in place which most content creators and personal brands just don’t have.
So in this email I’m going to take you through those fundamentals + every piece of advice I know so that by the end of it you have everything you need to:
-grow the right followers
-get the right lead flow
-close massive deals like clockwork
I’m gonna break this down into 6 concepts:
1: Presence Market Fit
When you start out on social media you have to decide which outcome you want:
Status or money?
You go for status if all you care about is views.
You go for money if all you care about is sales.
My suggestion — and any sane person’s suggestions — would be to go for money.
Virality is something any tom, dick, and harry can get their hands on nowadays.
Does that anything lead to anything?
Not really.
I have a Twitter account with 141,000 followers and one of my recent Instagram posts hit almost 700,000 views so I can tell you a bit about virality.
It gets more eyes on what you do (and sell), sure, but you run into 1 main problem:
None of them trust you enough to put their credit card numbers in your website.
Now I just said any tom, dick, and harry can go viral.
But can any tom, dick, and harry get their audience to trust them? No.
The attention economy is that dead alongside that dried up slogan “Where attention goes, money flows”
I have a better one for you that’s more accurate → “Where trust is made, cash will never fade”
We’ve entered the trust economy.
Forget about putting yourself out there so people can say “WHOA! LOOK AT THIS GUY”
That’s garbage. It doesn’t print anything that’s worth sustaining.
Focus on building trust with your content. Attention will follow as a byproduct, but trust what makes the sale.
Your objective is to build a personal connection with your audience.
It’s called a PERSONAL brand for a reason.
You’re not here for status and engagement.
You’re here to solve problems and get lead flow.
That comes from people who trust your story, your value, and nod their head when they read what you say and think
“I agree with this point” ”I like this person’s perspective” ”I wanna learn more from this person”
You’re providing curiosity so they pay you.
I’ll give you an example of a client I worked with who was driving attention before VS how he started driving trust.
His name is Fraser.
He used to post these creative breakdowns and basically saying ‘hey, look how amazing these are’
They were hit pieces. Hundreds of likes. 6 figure view points. But he wasn’t booking calls.
So we changed his entire strategy by making his breakdowns EVEN more niched and implementing his story.
As a result he became a Netflix series.
Like any other show people weren’t just interested in what he was doing,
They were interested in who he was.
I explain how we took Fraser from $25K/mo to well over 6 figures/mo without paid ads or cold outreach in this video here:
Those stories, experiences, and anything personal related is where trust is created.
It’s where friends are created.
It’s where PERSONAL brands are built.
That’s what Presence Market Fit is all about.
The people who view your content aren’t supposed to see you as this creator.
They’re supposed to see you as their best friend who they’ve grown with.
No one cares about the 200 LB bodybuilder who started lifting when he was 13.
But they DO care about the kid who went from ugly and skinnyfat to looking like a model.
No one cares about the millionaire who started eCom when he was 12.
But they DO care about the guy who got fired from his job, lost his car, and maybe even his wife — and was forced to build it back in a short time in his early 20s.
People don’t care about what you have to offer unless they can see themselves in you or your success.
2 Content Resonance Optimization (CRO)
The principle here is just like Conversion Rate Optimization in eCom and landing pages.
Same exact thing with content.
This is a simple concept but it goes over so many creators heads:
What you think is valuable is not what your audience thinks is valuable.
You’re not leaving an impact on the space by dropping a Tate or Goggins quote.
Everyone’s tired of it.
You have to do a deep dive into the demographics and psychographics of your audience and see what they’re actually dealing with.
33% to 50% of your content is intended to be things that solve their problems, not platitudes that make them feel good.
Look at what questions they ask other people.
Look at the videos they watch.
Nobody wants to be told “work hard and be disciplined anymore.”
They want specific, detailed roadmaps of how to get from point A to point B.
Such as what we do inside of the Utopia — where we give beginners the specific steps necessary to go from 0 to $10K/month without any guesswork:
You have to explain things to people like they’re 5 years old.
And you have to make it clear that you yourself felt like you were as dumb as a 5-year old at one point in your journey when you explain it to them.
Your content is the bridge that helps them get to that point.
But in order to get to this point there’s 2 main things we need to understand:
-Who the hell are we creating for?
You have to be ridiculously obsessed with the things your perfect prospect is struggling with, what’s holding them back, what they’re worried about, how to fix this issue, that issue, etc.
Conjure up 100 of those FAQs based on 6 main points:
These are the things that make your audience resonate with you.
3 Platform Strategy
I’m assuming at this point you know why it’s important to create the right content for the right person.
The past 2 fundamentals were about understanding what our main goal is with our personal brand:
But does that mean we need to expand into every social media platform?
The Twitter guy talks about Twitter, the LinkedIn guy talks about LinkedIn, and the YouTube guy talks about YouTube.
They’re all gonna sell you on it..
But what you SHOULDN’T do is sell yourself short by spreading yourself too thin across multiple platforms.
So which one should you be focusing on?
If you’re an agency owner, freelancer, info product sellers, or founder of some sort:
You’re focusing on Twitter and LinkedIn. Written platforms.
Because you can’t be lazy anymore and copy-paste content from one platform to another.
And trust me, I know.
I used to copy-paste my Twitter content to my LinkedIn.
And my Instagram content to my TikTok.
6 months ago it worked.
It doesn’t work. Every platform is unique. So narrow your focus.
But our audiences have sophisticated.
What does that mean?
That means our audience has seen the same style everywhere they go and 1000 other accounts have done the same thing as you.
You’re not standing out.
You’re just an option.
The only way you won’t stay an option is if you focus solely on 1 or 2 platforms.
You can expand to 5 platforms all you like but your competition is focused solely on 1 or 2 — where they WILL dominate you.
Don’t worry about expansion until you’ve cracked the code on your first 2 (the written platforms Twitter & LinkedIn).
The price to create content on those platforms costs $0 and and minimum time.
You’re literally just typing words on a screen.
Once people trust you, you know your audience’s pain points, who you’re talking to AND have winning topics — you can start expanding on those in media platforms (YouTube & Instagram).
For example if I post a Twitter thread on high-income skills that performs well:
I can turn it into an Instagram Carousel post.
And then maybe a short form video.
And then DEFINITELY a long form YouTube video if it performs in all 3 formats.
That one topic from Twitter (the nucleus platform) is now applicable to the rest.
4 Organic Reach Amplification
This entire concept revolves around a dance between content and engagement.
People think they can just do one or another on both ends of the spectrum.
It doesn’t work like that. Not in 2024 and beyond.
You have to produce both exceptional content and engage with right accounts religiously.
Why? It’s the way the algorithm works.
Here’s a flowchart explaining how it works:
Your objective is to manipulate this algorithm by showing up on other people’s For You pages.
How do you do that?
You do both content posting and engaging with killer people in the space.
If they comment back, reply to your DMs, or click on your profile — you show up on their For You Pages.
And if you build an actual relationship with those people, they’re gonna want to engage with your content thus driving it towards more people.
The way you’re gonna do this is through a concept called the “Dream 100”
The Dream 100 is identifying 100 accounts that are the perfect accounts you want engaging with you and potentially working with you.
And I’m not talking about other small fish like people with a few hundred followers.
I’m talking about accounts that have 2000-15000 followers.
These are the types of people that have the highest potential chance of actually engaging back with you.
You engage with them and they’ll see your exceptional content and push it forward on your behalf.
5 Nurture and Conversion Content
Content strategies are more than just posting content and praying people click the link in your bio.
There’s top of funnel content intended to attract followers.
There’s middle of funnel content intended to nurture followers.
There’s bottom of funnel content intended to convert followers.
Viral content is only intended for the top of funnel in order to cast the widest net.
But your middle of funnel is your most important.
Once you have those people there you’re gonna get little engagement but a lot of heads being nodded saying yes.
Your goal is to get them to trust you there.
And that’s because you share stories, opinions, where you failed, expertise-related value, etc.
Then the bottom of funnel is where you make the sale by asking.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
Every single piece of content thrown out there has a specific objective.
Try to keep content with these in mind as you’re answering FAQs and solving problems.
6 Wrap Up
The fundamentals here are the reframe you need to have when it comes to building a personal brand.
It’s not as easy as following a content strategy anymore.
These fundamentals are gonna put you in the right state of mind to actually start growing and become this client magnet in 2024.
But it’s always so much to keep up with.
Every 3-6 months the meta is changing.
Some of you don’t have time to sit down for 8 hours every single week to do this yourself.
If you wanna hire the experts, someone to create all your long forms, content strategies with seasoned writers, optimize your strategy, creative all your visuals — then come talk to me.
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