Why Size Doesn't Matter

A Big Lesson

The election is over.

And if there’s one lesson all content creators can take away from this all, it’s this:

The age of celebrities is over.

Having influencers and celebrities in your court doesn’t mean you win in the long run.

Nor does being a big name yourself mean you’ll win.

In this era of the internet anyone can become viral.

But not everyone can build trust.

So your goal is NOT to become an influencer in 2025.

It’s to become a Micro Creator.

Here’s the difference:

And before you go around looking for alternative solutions to sell your stuff on social media, let me run you through some of them so you don’t make the same mistake thousands have made

Mistake 1: Thinking That More Followers = More Money By Default

When you attract the largest pond, you get people who are interested in distractions and entertainment

This kind of following is useless unless you plan on selling reposts and OnlyFans promotions (that’s what meme pages do)

I know people with less than 10,000 followers (on Twitter & LinkedIn) making 10x more money than people with 100K+ followers

And the reason why is it’s because their audience base consists of people who:

  • Are interested in education, not entertainment

  • Have their problems solved by the content they consume

  • Actually have money to spend (I’m talking 4-5-6 figures worth of spending budget)

Compare this to the audience of a meme page for example. It consists of followers who:

  • Are interested in entertainment and drama

  • Just consume, consume, consume, never create

  • Have no money to spend

    -Probably thinks every online seller is a scammer

Just ask yourself this simple question:

Would you rather have 10 loyal friends or 100 normal friends?

Then ask yourself this:

Would you rather have 10,000 followers who are obsessed with you and rave around what you sell?

Or 100,000 followers who are obsessed with themselves alone and rave around the entertainment you provide?

You know which one is more profitable.

Mistake 2: You produce a bunch of content thinking eventually people will buy from you

People don’t see banger content and they’re just like “Cool! I’m gonna buy this guy’s stuff!” No. That never happens.

Followers become buyers because they’ve been converted through trust and conviction

So the entire function of your content is to build that trust and conviction

By default you’re an internet scammer until proven otherwise

This is the importance of understanding content objectives

A content objective entails the actual PURPOSE behind a specific content piece

You’re going to have content that’s meant to

  1. Attract Followers (Top of Funnel)

  • Stories

  • Hot takes

    -Business takes

  • Experiences

  1. Nurture Followers (Middle of Funnel)

  • Case studies

  • Authoritative

  • Video content

  1. Convert Followers (Bottom of Funnel)

  • Soft sells

  • Hard sells

  • Lead magnet opt-ins

    -Email list

Mistake 3: Paying to Win

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory

When you have a massive following and terrible engagement, everyone will tell you paid for it

And everyone will instinctively refuse to trust you

Even if you’re doing something as miniscule as paying for retweets, you’ll still going to cultivate an audience who doesn’t care about you

After a few months they’ll unfollow anyways and then you look goofy

Mistake 4: Spamming Cold Outreach

At this point in the money space everyone knows cold message is someone trying to make a quick buck

It’s not a good look when you have a small following because you have no reputation

And before you’ve even got the chance to build it, you’ve already (probably) damaged it

You get screenshotted and mocked on the timeline

People can tell you’re a rookie if you’re new to the money space

All sorts of things. I’m not one to avoid taking risk, but I believe the Risk:Reward ratio here is not worth undertaking in the beginning stages

I’m not saying you should throw cold outreach away altogether, just wait until you’ve already built somewhat of a brand

I personally – do not ever use cold outreach

I hated it so much I built an entire agency around generating inbound leads ONLY for my clients on a mass scale

Let me teach you how I do it for them, and how you can do it for yourself

Step 1: Start on 𝕏
Twitter/X is where most of the biggest founders, CEOs, start-up owners, and business owners can be found

Your likelihood of closing a deal here is higher than any other platform because:

  • It’s the easiest platform to network on

  • The buyer intent is the strongest here

  • Creating content here is quick and costs $0

This is what can make Twitter a little trickier than other platforms though:

When you start out with 0 followers, there will be no eyes on your posts unlike video platforms

So you have to drop as much replies and engagement on OTHER accounts as possible

Ideally you want them to be accounts in the money twitter space, people in similar niches to you, or people whose audiences you want to borrow

Doing this is how you:

  • Leverage the poster’s following to get eyes on you

  • Get the poster to reply to you to boost yourself to the algo

  • Build real connections with real people, be it the poster or people engaging with you

One of the best reply strategies is as follows:

  1. Find similar accounts in your niche whom you could consider competition if you had their size.

  2. Go under their best performing posts

  3. Find comments that are asking questions

  4. Answer those questions in great detail BEFORE the original poster

  5. Drag out the conversation (X loves discussions)

  6. Use the answers you gave to create future content

Strategy 1: Befriending your followers

  1. Reach out to 3 people a day who follow you and ask them what they’re working on

  2. Responding to all your comments on your account with questions

  3. Engage with your followers content with questions

  4. Take those people to your DMs and jump into calls

Strategy 2: Befriend commenters

  1. Befriend people that comment on your posts

  2. Reply with questions

  3. Jump into calls

Strategy 3: DMs from the timeline

  1. Befriend on the timeline

  2. Identify the prospect

  3. Engage on timeline w/ value

  4. Jump into DMs and provide more value

  5. Follow up

  6. Jump into a call

Strategy 4: DMs from your followers

  1. Identify qualified followers

  2. DM them personalized strategies as a free gift

  3. Provide them more value

  4. Follow up

  5. Hop into a call

Step 2: VSL & Funnel

If you don’t already have a VSL(Video Sales Letter), you need to create one

You’re losing money if you don’t have one

It’s a beautiful way to effectively have the sales call with the prospect before they even take action

You can host yours on a website called Carrd.co

Here’s the 12-step framework to create the video (VSL) itself:

  1. Your bold claim

  2. Pain points + struggles

  3. Future pace your bold claim

  4. Social proof

  5. Company credibility

  6. Company introduction

  7. Main benefits

  8. High-level features

  9. Staying as you are

  10. Remind them of your bold claim

  11. More social proof

  12. Call to Action (CTA)

Here’s the structure for the actual website / landing page itself:

Step 3: Expand to Other Platforms


  1. Post winning long forms and threads from Twitter

  2. Post winning creative images from Twitter

  3. Motivational / engagement tweet screenshot from Twitter

  4. Promotional tweet with massive value inside


  • Raw videos
    —These can be cut into clips and posted across Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Shorts

  • Case study breakdowns

  • Strategy Breakdowns & Roadmaps


  1. 1-2 business takes per week

  2. 1 case study a week

  3. 1 technical email per week

  4. (Include a promotion at the bottom of every static email)
    —Include 1-2 hyperlink promotions per email

You can set up your email list using ConvertKit

Leave it as the link in your bio and/or promote it underneath your tweets that perform well

You can automate this using tools like Hypefury or TweetHunter

Or you can just hire my team.